Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Walk Around the House

For the last walk in May I though we'd stroll around the house.

The flowerbeds are a mix of natives...

...and hybrids.  This yellow daylily smells wonderful.



Oregon's native Columbine

Osier Dogwood

A native Bleeding Heart

Big Leaf Maple - a great crop of seeds!

The Elderberry is blooming.

The roses are about ready to explode!

Another Columbine

Oriental Poppy

Penstemon "Electric Blue"

Hope you enjoyed the tour.


  1. I loved the tour! I hope you are having nice weather today Beth! We are. :)

  2. Thank you for taking us on a walk around your house. What beautiful things you have growing and blooming!

  3. Everything looks so fresh and pretty. I love that Electric Blue Penstemon.


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