Monday, May 4, 2020

Birds Birds Birds

A bit of progress on Cottage Garden Sampling's "Wisdom"
I've now stitched four trees.

While we've had some cold, rainy days (much needed), we've also had some glorious days.

A Robin and a blue sky. Yep, spring is here. 

Here's a male Brown-headed Cowbird. This year, for the first time ever, I have a flock of six birds.

But I am far more exciting to see a pair of Barn Swallows. 

I have a platform open sided box, but they've never shown interest in it. 

Instead they dart and swoop in the eves inside the garage.

I love their graceful flying, their long cut tail, and their merry chatter.

Stick around guys!


  1. Wisdom is looking good. I hope the barn swallows hang around this year.

  2. Love barn swallows, when I mow they dart and dive around so busy and chattering all the time. Had them build a nest in my chicken house one year. Checked my bluebird box the other day and discovered 5 eggs, that made me so happy. Haven't seen many robins around here this year. Have a good day Beth and keep your wonderful pictures coming they certainly cheer up my day.

  3. Happy Monday! I love your blog. Regarding cowbirds - we have many. They follow the horses in the pasture, sometimes riding on the horses' backs and necks as they graze. It's pretty comical. And we have the same barn swallows. In our barn. I love that they keep the flying insect population down. They're messy, but they're vital!

  4. My Hooded Oriole has returned as he and Mrs Hooded Oriole do every year. They are both quite shy and will not visit the hummer feeder if humans are outside. They have been returning for years now. Such beautiful July they move on...

  5. Those barn swallows are such pretty birds.

  6. Lovely photos and I love the cross-stitch.
    Not sure what has happened to our swallows for the last two years they seem to have gone AWOL!! Stay safe Diane

  7. I like those graphical trees.--AVSXS


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