Friday, April 17, 2020

What Next?

I'm thinking maybe another Square Dance stitch.
May?  July or August - several of them call to me.

The Big Leaf Maples are blooming.

Besides lots of Chickadees singing away, I've seen a Townsend's Warbler and several Orange-crowned Warblers.

Four Chickadees in one tree - I hope they are house-hunting.

Here's another cutie-pie.

Looking right...

...and left.

I am seeing more and more White-crowned Sparrows.

Three white and two black-stripes.

A handsome little bird.

I continue to watch the Acorn Woodpeckers at their nesting cavity. 

On Thursday morning both birds popped into the hole one right after the other.

They've also been eating suet and peanuts.

I counted eight Violet-green Swallows yesterday.



  1. I vote for the May block of Square Dance! It is bright and cheerful like the birds you featured today!

  2. I have one of those trees right outside my bedroom window. It seems to be changing every day. I love watching it. I especially love the photo of the bird in the tree. That should go on your April page when you do the calendar. I promise to but several copies!


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