Friday, April 3, 2020


Design - "Ribbony Rabbit"
Chart - "Letters Part 3"
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 28 count R & R Old Mill Java
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 8 May 2014
Completed -  10 May 2014

I tend to think of bunnies as peaceful critters, nibbling on plants maybe, but generally not bothering anyone.  One bird in particular through the centuries has also been a symbol of hope and peace.
The dove. 

I am seeing up to five Mourning Doves.

They are very early nesters (February) and in some parts of the country can have up to six, yes six broods in a season!  Wow!  That sounds exhausting. 

They are ground feeders and thus are often hawk food.

Here's a male Downy Woodpecker.

The male Flicker have started their early morning drumming on our metal flashings on the roof.

As best I could tell, this female paid them absolutely no mind.

She was all about having breakfast.

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