Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday's Hummers

I know it seems very early - these photos were taken in February...

...but the female Anna's are serious about nesting.

I enjoy watching them pull out tiny tufts of organic cotton.

They spend most mornings hard at work.

Then they take a break...

...sometimes standing guard over the nesting material.

Yep, it's up there.

Then back at work again.

Sometimes they then head for a drink of nectar and drop the cotton to drink.

Back-lit bird 

A nice big piece of material.

What to do with it?

Fly back to the nest site?

Or grab still more?


  1. Oh this is wonderful! So cool to see her working away! Too bad you don't know where her nest is.

  2. Lucky birds all modern cons laid on. Have a good day, Diane

  3. What a fabulous header Beth!! That is an amazing collection of bunnies! Thanks as always for your wonderful posts.

  4. What fabulous shots of the female gathering nesting materials! Love your new header, Beth!

  5. I do not have hummingbirds. Saw one a few years ago, but then never again. My daughter in NH has tons, her children and their Grandmother (me) would love to watch them building a nest. Where can I get the correct material for them, like you have.


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