Monday, March 16, 2020

Strange Times

Easter Rabbits - Design by Alexandrina

Design - "Easter Rabbits"
Designer - Alexandrina
Fabric - 25 count cream Belfast
Fibers - Crescent Colours 
Started - 4 April 2010
Completed - 4 April 2010
  The chart is a freebie from Alexandrina.  I went out on a limb and chose the fabric and fibers. From left to right I stitched the bunnies with: Chocolate Cream Pie, Bunny Hunny, and Wisconsin Woods.

These are certainly strange and disconcerting times.  I am using my hobbies of reading, cross stitching, and bird watching to help ground me.  So off to the birds we go.

I enjoyed watching this little female Anna's.

She sat quite close to me as she fluffed her feathers.

Then another gal zoomed in. 

Take no prisoners!

 She has it all under control.


  1. Hello, Beth!
    I'm happy to see my rabbits in your blog!
    I love your blog, your birds, your nice photo of nature. Greetings from Moscow.

  2. Love the bunny trio, Beth! Super shots of the Lady Annas!

  3. I so get that. I am very thankful that I am never bored. Today we went for a good walk and I did some stitching and worked a bit in my garden cleaning out the winter. Thank you for all the wonderful bird photos!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.