Tuesday, March 31, 2020

I See the Moon

Design - "Bunny Under the Moon"
Book - "Cross Stitch Patterns for Mother Goose's Words of Wit & Wisdom" 
Designer - Tedd Arnold
Fabric - called for Aida not sure what I used
Fibers - DMC
Started - December 1993
Completed - February 1994

This is the only photo I have of "Bunny Under the Moon".  My oldest nephew was born in May of 1992 and I gave this to him in February of 1994. It was a challenge to stitch.  The plaid background was pretty intense as were all the blades of grass. 

I was thrilled to finally see three Violet-Green Swallows flying about on Sunday morning.  March 29th is by far the latest return ever for this species.  I was beginning to wonder if they were going to come back as they'd been seen elsewhere since mid-March.  I hope to get a photo or two soon. 


Two at the feeder.

Then there were four.

Another close-up.

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee

Golden-crowned Sparrow


California Quail couple.


  1. What a fabulous bunny stitch, Beth! That Bushtit in the first bird photo looks grumpy!

  2. Love your photos of the birds. I live in a neighborhood with a rabid HOA that doesn't allow birdfeeders. So sad! Your pictures make me so happy!


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