Saturday, March 7, 2020

February Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

Not a lot of photos to share, but a good array of animals nonetheless.

We begin with a gray squirrel.

But not just any squirrel - a low-flying one!

Thirsty too.

And back again...

...for another drink.

An opossum came by several times. 

Middle of the night...

...and early evening.

Several skunk sightings...

...most all with tail held high.

The raccoon was appreciative of the water.

Nice to have to wash one's hands.

One decent bobcat sighting during February.

This was the big surprise.  A coyote!

We've not had a 'capture' since August of 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting assortment of critters! Oh my goodness, a coyote!


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