Monday, February 17, 2020

Last Day of the Count

Design - "Love Grows"
Designer - Stone and Thread
Fabric - 30 count WDW Onyx linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 February 2013
Completed - 10 February 2013

Today is the last day of the winter Great Backyard Bird Count. I hope to get 30 minutes in before heading off for work and I'll report on my sightings later this week.

Someone commented on the photos of the cats on the sidebar of my blog.  Once upon a time (2001) a stray, pregnant cat name Cleo came to live with us.  Her 'husband' Tom-Cat arrive about 3 weeks after she'd delivered 5 kittens.  We kept three of them, and all these 19 years later, one of the 'kittens', Parvati Patel is still with us and helping me with the bird count.  

I know mid-February seems really, really, really early to be nesting.  However the Anna's Hummingbirds have been courting for a couple of weeks, and the females have begun gathering nesting materials.  In western Oregon the birds will often have two clutches.  

I thought for a while that I'd not be able to include the Bushtits in my count but they showed up on Sunday afternoon.

My sister got a good look at them too.

The woodpeckers have been a foundation of the count - 2 male and 2 female Downy Woodpeckers.

A female Hairy Woodpecker.

See the Hairy Woodpecker on the left?  She did not cede ground to the female Flicker.  I've also seen my Acorn Woodpeckers for the count.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this lovely post and the answer to my question about your gorgeous ginger cats💖


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.