Saturday, December 7, 2019

November's Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

We had a decent selection of critters in the backyard in November.

Beginning with a skunk.

It came by several times throughout the month.

As did a raccoon.


...cautiously along.

On the move.

This young buck has one 'perfect' antler on his right and a small spike on his left.


A Big Boy!

Not quite a big.

Licking his chops! A Button Buck

Doe on the move.

Bobcat in the early evening.

Afternoon sighting

Morning walk about

Early morning


Not a bobcat - this is our Parvati Patel Hufflepuff

I dodged a bullet here - a bear in the backyard!

Bear Selfie

I still had my motion detector water sprinkler up and none of my bird feeders were touched.

I hope my now the bears have gone into hibernation.


  1. Nice shots of the bear, deer (you have some good looking bucks), bobcat and other critters! There was a bear sighting at the end of our road on Thursday! Still not cold enough here for them to hibernate!

  2. That is quite a collection of critters!!


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