Sunday, November 10, 2019

Busy Bears

More bear activity.

Friday night, 11/1, two young bears came to visit.

Once again, water was the main draw.

Though the pumpkins... 

...and the rubber ball were also of interest.

"I want it!"  "No, it's mine!"

"Well then..."

"We both can play!"


Growling!  "No I said it's mine!"

Tipping over the water trough.

And setting it upright again.

Playing with a plastic jug full of water.

Looking around.

"I'm a bear!"

Another plastic water jug bites the dust.

Playing a bit more before heading off into the forest.


  1. That is really awesome.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  2. Oh Beth! I love your shots of the bears and your commentary made me giggle.


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