Thursday, October 3, 2019

Six Pumpkins One Woodpecker

Designer - Bent Creek
Chart - Yikes
Fabric - 11" x 9" Champagne linen
Started - 2 December 1998
Completed - 10 December 1998

Not a good photo, but it provides proof that I had a small group of Evening Grosbeaks come by briefly Wednesday morning.  It is very usual for me to hear / see Evening Grosbeaks this time of year.

The same morning, I watched a Pileated Woodpecker fly into the Douglas fir tree line that edges our property to the north.

I've recently seen a female, this bird though is a male.

Note the red on top of the head comes forward all the way to the bill and the bright red mustache. 

I was able to watch it grooming for a few minutes.

These photos show how good the zoom on my camera is as to the naked eye the bird was just a small dark blob on the side of the tree.

I hope the birds continue to be frequent visitors.  


  1. Sweet Halloween piece! We saw a Pileated Woodpecker on Sunday. It didn't hang around too long though. Hopefully, it will be back!

  2. Those woodpeckers are just amazing to see!

  3. Cute stitch, Beth! The woodpecker has such striking colors. I'm glad you have a great lens to show us all of your feathered visitors.


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