Thursday, October 24, 2019

Owl and Bluebirds

Design - "Little Boo"
Chart - "Playing with Jax" #328
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count Flax Field linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - October 2015
Completed - 7 October 2015

On Saturday morning, I had a most wonderful surprise.
I looked over at the deer fence to see four or five Western Bluebird, each perched atop a fence post.

Fortunately, I had my camera at hand!
Here's a male.

And a female. 

Two females.

And another.

A female and male.

A male.
They spoke quietly to one another for a couple of minutes, before taking off together and fly off to the south.  Western Bluebirds reside in the Willamette Valley all year long, but I have never seen one in October before.

1 comment:

  1. Your owl mitten stitch is adorable. Oh my goodness, Beth! What gorgeous shots of the Western Bluebirds you were able to get! Yay on having the camera at the ready!


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