Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Front Feeder Activity

Design - "Make Do #11: Two Roads" (kit)
Designer - Shakespeare's Peddler
Fabric - 30 count R & R Irish Cream linen
Fibers - unknown (provided with kit)
Started - 5 October 2012
Completed - 7 October 2012

A few days ago as my sister drove up our driveway, a Great-horned owl swooped low over the car and was illuminated in the headlights.  She said it was a thrill! 

Here's what's going on in the front of the house.

I have two peanur feeders and lately it has not been woodpeckers eating there. 

Several Black-capped Chickadees have taken to the feeder.

They grab a peanut and fly away to pick it apart into chickadee-sized bits.

They've been joined by a couple of Chestnut-breasted Nuthatches. 

Nuthatches are such fun to watch.

There's something about stomping around upside down.

And then kindly posing for the camera.

I've also seen a small group of Chestnut-back Chickadees.

They are a bit smaller than Black-capped Chickadees.

And they stay at the feeders longer before departing to eat.


  1. Love your Two Roads stitch, Beth! It is fun for me to see the variety of birds at your feeders. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Wonderful birds on all sides! What a thrill for your sister!


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