Friday, October 11, 2019

Blue Sky Day

Design - "October" - Flip It - A Year with Charm
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count French Country Mocha - maybe
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - Several Years Ago
Completed - 29 August 2012

Seasonal changes are pretty obvious now. Many of my summer birds are gone.  I've never hadd American Goldfinches over-winter. 

So I expect these guys will head off sometime before the end of the month.

Wednesday night / Thursday morning was cold with a low of 30f.  That's our earliest hard frost in several years. 

The reward was a sky almost as blue as the Steller's Jays!


  1. We have had 3 days of beautiful blue sky!

  2. Love the shots of the Steller's Jays! What a gorgeous sky backdrop! I can tell the weather is changing. We are down to 3-4 hummingbirds and an increased stinkbug population trying to get inside. UGH!


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