Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Walk Around the House

We've had a good bit of rain the past few days, so I've not gone out recently.

Strolling around the house, I can see a Hawthorn full of berries at the edge of the backyard. 

The zinnias will bloom until the first frost.

This is a plant combo in the mudroom flowerbed - a pinkish agastache and some sort of sunflower relative.

A first year plant - rudbeckia triloba.

Mimulus Jellybean Fiesta Marigold

A hardy fuchsia of some sort.


Rudbeckia Henry Eilers


I canbnot remember the name of this plant - but the bees love it!

Douglas Aster Aster subspicatus

That's it for today!


  1. Wow, everything is still so colorful with your plants!

  2. The purple flower plant is Eupatorium

  3. Everything looks so pretty. I had to get rid of my nasturtiums. They were just full of black aphids!


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