Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday's Hummers

There are at least four Anna's hanging around.

I hope that number holds steady as winter approaches.

The adult male is the easiest to recognize. 

There are a couple with a bit of color on their throat.

And an attitude!


This one might be an immature male.

Here's a female.


Two together.


  1. Happy Sunday Beth! Beautiful hummingbirds I hope they stay for you to enjoy as well...

  2. They really are little wonders of nature Beth.

  3. The photo of the female is lovely! I will not feed them this year as we may travel to see my sister in February and I heard that you absolutely can't stop feeding them once they depend on you. We had snow in the Olympics last night! We drove into town and there it was! We haven't seen that for several months.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.