Monday, September 16, 2019

Big Bears and Good Fruits

Design - "P is for Pear" (Baubles)
Designer - SamSarah
Fabric - 28 count Newport Red/Natural Zweigart
Fibers - WDW and GAST
Started - 5 October 2010
Completed - 8 October 2010

I'm looking forward to pear season.  How about you?

Early the other morning, the Raven pair came by for a brief visit.

They did not have much to say, nor did they stay long.

Later the same morning, a male Pileated Woodpecker dropped by.

He spoke with some frequency and stay for 20 minutes or so.

I always wish he'd fly in closer.

It's a good thing my camera has a great zoom lens.

I still dream of one partaking of some suet at one of my feeders.


  1. Love your pear stitch, Beth! Your big birds are cool!

  2. I've never been a big fan of pears. However, they're one of my favorite things to dehydrate because they become so sweet when dry. The ravens look like they dropped in just to say, "'Tis near Halloween!" In the stores, that is....

  3. Last Fall we went to Hood River. There were some of the best pears I have ever tasted! Apples too!


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