Thursday, August 15, 2019

Small Start

Heart in Hand - Square Dance - March
A bit of border and a bit of bird.

Speaking of birds...
I've been pretty hawk-free thus far, but in the last week that has changed.

I see this Cooper's Hawk most days.

And I only have about 25% of the Black-headed Grosbeaks I had three weeks ago.  All the adult males have departed and a few females and fledglings still remain.

The ID of this warbler is uncertain.  I think it is an Orange-crowned Warbler.

I want it to be a female Yellow Warbler, but the markings aren't quite right.

So Orange-crowned wins!


  1. Small progress is better than no progress at all. I do love hawks we see a lot around us but they can be a bit of a pain with taking the smaller birds.

    I have wood pigeons nesting in our vine at the moment. Mabel as I like to call her has been incubating her eggs for the past week. I'm not sure how long they take to hatch but looking forward to seeing their little beaks peeping over the top of the nest.


  2. What a handsome bird that Cooper's Hawk is! Are the Grosbeak beginning their migration? That yellow warbler is lovely in color.


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