Monday, June 3, 2019

May's Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek - part 2

This series of photos tells a story. I'm going to note the date and time of each, but otherwise let them speak for themselves. You can click on any photo to enlarge it.

5/22/19 10:43:28

5/22/19 10:43:37 - 9 seconds later

5/22/19 10:44:20 - 43 seconds later 

5/22/19 10:44:20 - 1 second later

5/22/19 11:07:21 - 23 minutes and 1 second later

5/22/19 11:07:22 - 1 second later

5/22/19 11:07:25 - 3 seconds later

5/22/19 11:07:26 - 1 second later

5/22/19 14:03:35 - 2 hours 56 minutes and 9 seconds later

5/22/19 14:03:36 - 1 second later

The End!


  1. Simply wow! That was a mountain lion, right? Hope the deer managed to escape.

  2. Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing!!


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