Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Hot Walk

It's supposed to reach 97F today, I suggest we set out on our walk as early as possible.

Green Bracken Fern looks cool in the shade.

Miner's Lettuce


Columbia Lily - a native tiger lily is now in bloom.

Native Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)  

Oregon Sunshine - perfect name for this wildflower.

Blue Dick

Ocean Spray


Speaking of staying cool...

This Western Pond Turtle with its shell covered in algae looks happy and comfortable.  I think he is smiling.  

I waited too long - Osoberries are our earliest native to flower and fruit.  As you can see the berries have already been consumed.
Stay cool where ever you are.


  1. Beth, stay cool in that heat! Everything still looks very lush in your neck of the woods.

  2. Yes, I am staying in my lovely AC house today!! Love seeing all your beautiful wild flowers. We took a beach walk before we went to Alabama and the wild roses were amazing!


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