Tuesday, May 7, 2019

One Bird Wonder!

As you can see I've stitched a bit. The adult Robins are complete and I've added three hungry baby birds to the mix.  Next up - their nest.

Speaking of birds...

...can you see what caught my eye early Monday morning?

A flash of blue and rust - a male Laluzli Bunting.

What a thrill!

The bird was kind enough to stay put...

...and even belt out a song for me.

I took photos as fast as I could.

This might well be the only time I see this bird.

They like areas near streams, which I have, but also brushy hillsides which I 
I have a bit of, but not acres. 

I'd be thrilled if he stuck around.

They are supposed to come to the feeder to eat millet - we'll see.


  1. WOW!!! He's amazing!! The coloring! Wow!

  2. You have made progress on the Robin block, Beth. What a beautiful bird in the male Laluzli Bunting. He has gorgeous coloring.

  3. What a pretty little bird and he sung for you as well. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day Diane

  4. Very cute these birds on your canvas. Beautiful colors for these sparrows. Beautiful day to you

  5. What an exciting and fun find in the Laluzli Bunting--
    and it is the first time I have ever heard or seen one--
    so thanks for sharing--
    and you have a great 'bird' eye on you!!!
    luv, di


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.