Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Happy as Can Be

Design - "Happy as a Lark"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 28 count R & R Liberty Gathering Gray
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 August 2012
Completed - 17 August 2012

Over the last couple of weeks I've received some truly lovely and thoughtful comments from Followers.  I wanted to take a moment to say thank you.  Thank you for "Following" and reading my blog.  Your kind words provide the motivation to attempt to be creative and unique, and yet post each and every day!  Again thanks! 

Here's the latest bird news.

Some of the American Goldfinches are beginning to gather nesting material.
It's early yet - they do not nest until mid-June or later.

The Starlings have already successfully nested.
I have SO many noisy birds now.

Last week I had 5 or 6 pairs of Evening Grosbeaks.

Now I'm down to just two pair.  I hope they stay and nest here.

California Scrub Jay.

The California Quail are all paired up.

We will put out our "Watch for Baby Quail" in a couple of weeks.


  1. I hope a pair of the Evening Grosbeaks hang around and nest. Look forward to seeing your first shots of baby Quail, Beth! Your Happy as a Lark stitch is precious.

  2. I love your happy as a lark. What a fun piece. I always enjoy seeing the pictures of real birds that you post. A nice cheery note to start my day. Thanks.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.