Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday's Walk

By mid-April there are lots of things leafing out...

...including Ninebark.

The Camas have leafed out.

Trilliums in bloom. The Small-flowered Trillium (Trillium parviflorum) have mottled leaves when mature, and their blooms rest flush against the leaves.  The plants can become large 'clumping' Trillium if left alone.

I think this tree is prettier before it leafs out.

This bank is covered in white Trilliums.

They are all Trillium ovatum

False Solomon's Seal.

Trillium ovatum. Note how the flower rises above of the leaves on a long stem and the leaves are not mottled.

Cow's Parsnip.

Corn Lilies

Lupin.  Everything is green, green, green! 


  1. Everything is greening up fabulously, Beth!

  2. The world is so full of life right now. We do a bit more sun to keep things moving along!

  3. I can't believe you get Trilliums in such abundance in the US. Here in the UK they are hard to find and expensive. I bought 3 varieties last year and only one is coming up anything like, so I am tending it with kid gloves.


  4. Looking very spring-like. Have a good day Diane


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