Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Water Water Everywhere

It rained Friday, it rained Saturday. On Sunday we received 2.34" inches of rain and it rained on Monday. The rain broke all records for April and caused some localized flooding.  In my neck of the woods, even the tiniest of rivulets flowed with full force. 

Cookson Creek was up to its banks as it rushed under the road and into... 

...the surging Big Creek!

The Quarry pond, with no natural outlet overflowed across a driveway and into the Big Creek. 

There was a small landslide on the back right of the pond. 

Here's how are part of the Big Creek looked on Tuesday afternoon - still close to topping out.

Brown with mud and slit.

You can see how high it was earlier in the week by the scoring and scars along the far bank.  For safety's sake, I chose not to walk out on the bridge as I was not certain how stable it might be. 

Dorothy's Creek too rushed and roared.
Water, water everywhere!


  1. Wow! You certainly have had your share of rain the last few days. Be safe out there, Beth!

  2. We needed rain but it looks like you got too much all at once! There was flooding in Pullman WA but not here.

  3. Yikes! I hope things calm down soon. In southern Idaho, rain is usually a VERY GOOD thing, but when there is too much, it can get really scary really fast.


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