Friday, April 19, 2019

More Yellow Birds

Design - "Tiny Chick"
Chart - "Soft Boiled"
Design - The Cricket Collection
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Fabric - Bright yellow linen scrap
Started - 24 March 2013
Completed - 26 March 2013

Here's an Easterish stitch of a little bird - a yellow baby chick.

I promised more yellow birds, right?

But first, this guy has been hanging around the past few days.

I went all winter without seeing a White-crowned Sparrow, it's nice to have one as a spring visitor.

And speaking of yellow birds and visitors...

The American Goldfinches have returned!

There are currently 6-8 birds, but I expect the numbers to continue to grow.


  1. They are all beautiful! Love that yellow!

  2. Sweet little chick you stitched! What lovely yellow birds you featured along with the white-crowned sparrow!

  3. I think the white crowned sparrow is such a pretty bird!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.