Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Green Green Green

The first 2/3rds of April were wet.

Now we have several dry days.

The world is green!

And many of my favorite wildflowers are in bloom.

Erythronium oregonum - or Lamb's tongue.

Viola glabella - Wood violet.

The Cottonwoods are leafing out.

The Big Leaf Maples are in bud.

Grand Hound's Tongue's (Cynoglossum grande

Wild Bitter Cherries are lighting up the wood edges.

I hope you are as cheerful and happy as this small wildflower.


  1. Everything looks beautiful as plants begin to take on their spring wardrobe. Everything is green here as well, Beth!

  2. Such lovely wild flowers!! Our big leaf maples have pretty good size leaves now.


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