Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Chocolate Rabbit and Prairie Birds

Design - "The Chocolate Hare"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fiber - Anchor Floss
Fabric - 32 count Olive Green Belfast linen
Started - 26 March 2010
Completed - 13 April 2010

With Easter approaching, who is not dreaming about chocolate rabbits?

After seeing the male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Saturday, my mom and I headed off to...

Meadowlark Prairie - a 404 acre wetlands in west Eugene.

Right off the bat we saw female Red-winged Blackbirds...

..and males.

We could hear Meadowlark singing...

...and finally located one atop a small pine tree.

Almost immediately, another bird flew in closer... 

...to a birch tree.

It too sang up a storm.  The Western Meadowlark is Oregon's state bird, but I don't think I've seen one since I was in grade school.  They sadly are uncommon in most of the state - so thank goodness for this prairie wetlands.

We also came across a couple of Northern Pintails.

And a Northern Shoveler.

Here's a handsome Green-winged Teal.

There was a decent group of them as well as lots of Mallards and Canada Geese.

I'm not that great with IDing shore birds.

I think this is a Lesser Yellowlegs.

Here's a Killdeer, one of several.

And there were serious skeins of Canada Geese winging their way to who knows where. 


  1. Your rabbit stitch is adorable. What a wonderful outing you had to the Meadowlark Prairie, Beth! Wow!

  2. The chocolate bunny is so cute! I need to take my bird book when I take a shore walk. I just don't remember all the details enough to identify them when I get home.


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