Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday's Hummers

Lots and lots of photos today.

This is a very busy time for the Anna's females.

While they are taking time to tank up on food...

...and even pausing for a moment...

...or two...

Much of their time now is spent gathering nesting materials.

This ball of organic cotton has turned out to be a great favorite.

It's perfect for birds as it has never been treated chemically.  And unlike drier lint, it is also naturally water-repellent.

Reach in...

...and grab!

The birds also use spiderwebs to bind their nests.
The webbing is elastic which allows the nest to stretch as the babies grow larger.

She has her tongue out, and a bit of webbing on her bill.

Look closely and you can see it stretched from her bill to her chin.

And what are the Ann's males up to you ask?

They are performing their aerial courtship dance...over...and over...and over. I saw my first male Rufous Friday evening (3/15), hope to have a photo shortly.


  1. Yay for Hummer Sundays! My husband hung the first feeder out off the back porch yesterday. He claims he saw one on Friday afternoon. Looking forward to their return! Enjoy your day, Beth!

  2. Spectacular! Spectacular! Love these photos...Hummers are totally the best♥️♥️

  3. Wonderful photos of lots of very happy birds, well done. Have a good week Diane


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