Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday's Hummers Hail Hail! The Gangs All Here!

Everyone is accounted for.

Female Anna's

Male Anna's

Watching over the entire backyard.

Male Rufous

And my newest spring / summer resident.

A female Rufous.

There are enough hummers around now that it sounds like a busy airport with landings and takeoffs.

And I'm having to refill the feeders every 5 days.


  1. I bet you don't mind having to refill the feeders so often, seeing these beautiful hummers makes it a pleasure and not a chore.

  2. Congratulations on a full and fabulous hummingbird season and I can hardly wait now till they make it to MN usually arrive by Mother’s Day! But I did have a great return today Great Blue Heron so wonderful to see standing in the snow looking out over the water till the Bald Eagle flew over than we had some excitement and a change in standing out in the open to more camouflage spot!! Gotta love birding in MN...

  3. Welcome back Miss Rufous! I know you are thrilled by her return. We have one feeder hanging because my husband thought he saw a hummer. So far, nothing! Enjoy your day!

  4. Wonderful photos, you have a talent Beth!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.