Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Endless Snow and Snowman

Well into March, and I'm still stitching on my endless snowman.

We continue to have extremely cold mornings.
Don't you think this Junco's feet would be cold, cold, cold?

Despite temps lows in the 20s, and snow on the ground, the turkey vultures have returned!  That's a sign of spring in the Willamette Valley.

I continue to have lot of American Goldfinches...

...and haughty Steller's Jays. 

I am extremely pleased to have 3 or 4 Flickers most mornings.  They've been regulars at my suet feeders during the wintry weather.

You may have noticed that with the snowstorm I was able to post on Monday 2/25, but due to loss of power and internet did not post Tue-Fri, 2/26-3/1.  I have lots of photos to share from those days - snow photos of course and some 'rare' birds who came to the feeders during that time.  As time allows I will get the posts on line and provide links on a current day's post, so you can travel back in time if you so desire.  


  1. You have made good progress on your endless snowman, Beth. Great bird shots! I look forward to seeing your 'rare' birds.

  2. I hope the turkey vultures are a good sign. I was sad today when I saw how our snow messed up my helibores. They are all bent over and some appear to be burned. I do love your snowman piece! Great colors!


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