Friday, March 15, 2019

Coming and Going

Design - "St Patrick's Bird"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 March 2016
Completed - 23 March 2016

Mid-March is a time of transition for the birds of western Oregon.

I was really pleased to see a couple of Ruby-crowned Kinglets on a walk the other day.  

Kinglets are winter birds here.

I'll see them for about a month more then they'll move on. 

They'll be replaced by a number of summer visitors like Rufous Hummingbirds and Violet-green Swallows.  I still have not seen a Rufous Hummingbird, but yesterday as I opened the WBU store, I heard and watched the swallows flying and chittering. 

Other birds, like this pair of Flickers (can you see the one on the top right half hidden by branches?) are year around residents. 

The males will begin loudly hammering away on the metal soffits on our roof to say, "Honey!  Take a look at me!"  Ah springtime!  


  1. Your long-legged bird stitch is adorable! Did you see the Stitching Bird that was released at Market this year? I have noticed more birds flitting around the backyard over the past couple days. Spring must be around the corner!

  2. The Kinglets are cute, a new one on me. Happy weekend Diane

  3. I've always loved that particular long-legged bird and have meant to stitch him, but somehow, he always gets passed over. Poor thing. Yours is so cute, Beth!

  4. It is so nice to see some of our warm weather birds returning!


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