Wednesday, March 13, 2019

After the Snow Storm - The Mess

Spring IS fast approaching. The pussy willows are out in force. 

After the snow storms the creeks are running full and fast.

But we did not escape unscathed.
We lost a good bit of one of our oaks.

A neighbor has been hard at work...

...cutting it up for firewood.

This gives you an idea of the size of the wound to t he tree.

Nearby daffodils are poking out their heads. 

Here's Dorothy's Creek.

There are still some patches of snow in the shade.

The blackberry thickets have all collapsed under the weight of the snow.

A spot of color.

The weight of the snow smashed down the grasses along the Big Creek
and now I can see much further upstream and downstream.

Hazel catkins.

Tender new buds.

And still...on the north side of the house, it will be a few days yet before this pile of snow disappears and the fountain is totally revealed.


  1. I am sorry about the damage to one of your Oak trees, Beth. I hope the rest of it does okay. Wow, look at Dorothy's Creek and the Pussy Willow! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  2. We still have a few areas of snow in our neighborhood. Great to see the pussy willow. I have never seen our woods so damaged. It was the wind storms of December and then the snow of February!


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