Sunday, January 13, 2019

Humming Along

I think my hummer count is up to four birds.

Let's see...

#1 is a young male.

He's pretty distinctive.

An adult fluffed up on a cold morning.

This is #2 - an adult female.

Nothing flashy about her.

She takers her time at the feeders.

Drinks and... 

...looks around.

Here's #3. An adult male.

He's very striking.

I thought I had just one adult male.
But this guy (#3) was at this feeder... the same time this guy (#4) was at this feeder.
Four birds!


  1. Your hummers are beautiful, I miss the little whizzing of the hummers. I look forward to spring and summer when they are back here in Indiana.

  2. I will never stop being jealous of you with your hummingbirds. Great shots. Keep well Diane

  3. They are all so cute. You got a great photo of that color on the male bird.!

  4. They're so beautiful! Yay for hummers!

  5. Wow! Nice your numbers are growing...what beauties they are such a delight to watch! Enjoy Beth...

  6. Such great hummers. Love that pink! RJ


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