Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Bit of Progress

The snow guy now had a face and a scarf. With a few more details he'll look like a snowman rather than a zombie.

The past few days have dawned clear and quite cold.  It's led to some good woodpecker action.

I've had at least three Flickers - a couple of red-mustached guys...

...and a gal.

For the past several days a Red-breasted Sapsucker has been hard at work on this huge Douglas fir tree. Little bird - big tree!

One morning I briefly saw two birds.

The sapsuckers pay no attention to me.

I think they've figured out that 20' up...30' up the tree...

...they are safe from me.


  1. Nice woodpecker shots! Thank you for the giggle (snowman/zombie)! Enjoy your day, Beth!

  2. What great woodpecker photos! Snow zombie? A funny thought!

  3. Your snowman is coming along nicely. Great photos of the Sapsuckers and Flickers.

  4. Such great shots of the Flicker, Beth! I haven't seen any in our yard this year, but have had plenty of cardinals :)

  5. Love your woodpecker photos Beth. And a great start to a sweet snowman. RJ


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