Saturday, December 8, 2018

Saturday's Critters

It has been very cold and I expected...

...that the chipmunks would go into a mini-hibernation.

Apparently no one got the word to this guy.

He was out on a bright 17°F morning.

Eat hardy!  You need the calories!

A couple of deer also came by.
This mom...

...and her child.

The fawn looked at me...

...but decided getting to mom was more important than worrying about me.


  1. How interesting to see chipmunks out and stuffing their faces in such cold weather!

  2. Great pictures, Beth! The picture of the fawn coming through the grass looks like he is going to pounce. Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. Wonderful photos Beth. Are you all decorated for the holidays? RJ

  4. I always feel sorry for the animals when it gets this cold. We are spoiled up here as it is usually not quite that cold.


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