Sunday, December 2, 2018

November's Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

Here's a look at the animals that passed by along Dorothy's Creek.

A skunk

A skunk again.

Just one sighting of a bobcat...

...strolling by.

As might be expected, there were lots of deer.

Several bucks included.

Off he goes.

Night shot.

One way... 

...or another...

Fawn interruption.

Back again with debris in his antlers.


Leaving the stage.

Mom and child.

Lastly, Mama Bear... 

...and her cub were out and about mid-month.

We have a spell of quite cold weather coming up and I hope that pushes them into hibernation, if they are not already doing so. 

Take care and sleep well!

We'll see you again come spring.


  1. Super photos from down by Dorothy's Creek. I love the bear shots especially the one where the pair are meandering off. Enjoy your Sunday, Beth!

  2. Love the photo of Moma and cub's butts walking off together.

  3. Really neat photos of the wildlife that come to visit you. Like Mary, I love the photo of the Mama bear and her cub. RJ

  4. Jealous of the camera and jealous of the animals you see. Fabulous. Hope that you have a good week, Diane


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.