Thursday, December 20, 2018

December Stitch December Birds

Back to the Stitching Archives we go...

Design - "Reindeer"
Chart - "Christmas Past" #51
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Black Zweigart linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 December 2012
Completed - 26 December 2012

The black linen was challenging, but I like the effect.  The reindeer appears to be floating across a dark starlit night sky.

At first glance the December birds looks dull and dingy.

But on closer examination, there's some nice color from the mixed flock of American and Lesser Goldfinches. 

A male House Finch joined the party.

Here's a good look at a male Lesser Goldfinch.

They retain some of their summer colors with a yellow breast...

...and a dark black cap on their head.

I seems to have anywhere from 8-15 at my feeders.

The females don't have the bright colors of the males.
Just the faintest bit of yellow on the throat.


  1. Oh what a wonderful reindeer that is! He would make a great ornament Beth.

  2. Oh Beth, love your reindeer stitch! I bet the pops of yellow are day brighteners on the dreary days.

  3. Love the simple beauty of this deer finish, Beth! And how nice to be able to spot those yellow goldfinches throughout the winter months!

  4. The colorful birds are such a treat this time of year. We just had our second bad wind storm of the week. Out of power again but not like the poor people in Port Orchard. Did you hear about the tornado?


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