Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Decorating Part One

I did not start decorating until Wednesday, but my mom and sister have been setting up vignettes all month.  

The bench in the mudroom.

Mudroom window #1

Mudroom window #2

The Hallmark ornament lighted faux birch bird tree.
It is 'planted' in the corner of the dining room.

Here's a close-up.

The dining room mini-forest.

The dining room table.

The hutch is decorated with festive tableware and cross stitch.

We have a new winter resident this year.

I'm not sure what Norman Gnome thinks about him.


  1. I love seeing your Christmas decorating! So much fun!

  2. Your decorations are beautiful Beth! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and the very best for 2019! Thank you for your fabulous blog. Happy Stitching!

  3. Your bird tree is always something I look forward to each year, Beth! Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  4. Beth, love your bird tree! Do you leave it up all year? I really like the new snowman 'sentry'. Maybe he and Norman Gnome will become friends. Enjoy your Saturday!

  5. I love your birch bird tree so much! And the new snowman is awesome!

  6. It is really looking good. That bird tree is so pretty.

  7. Lovely Christmas decorations Beth. I love your new snowman...he is a cutie! RJ

  8. It’s all so pretty! I love the bird tree. Merry Christmas. Hugs,

  9. Such beautiful décor for Christmas. The mini forest is a great idea, do you leave any of the décor up for the entire winter?


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