Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Look Back at the Hummers

I thought for the final Sunday of the year, I'd share some of my favorite hummingbird photos from 2018.

Looking back at these photos from spring and summer reminds me how blessed I am to have a good number of hummingbirds.

The female Anna's are here all year long.

They are fun to watch...

...and they will even share a feeder.

The male Anna's are extremely territorial, so I rarely have more than two in the area.

In mid-March the Rufous Hummingbirds return.

Even the females are quite colorful.

This bird perched in the same place day after day.

That allowed me some nice photos including tail feathers.

I love how the light plays over the feathers.

And pollen on the bill.

And the male Rufous!

Wow!  Just wow!


  1. You are just trying to make me jealous!! Happy New Year Diane

  2. You take awesome photos and I love each and everyone of them--
    and hummers are always a favorite of mine--
    thanks for all your sharing--
    enjoy, diane and Happy New Year!

  3. Beth...these are of course my favorites always look forward to these blogs! Just fabulous photos...Looking to 2019 for more beautiful hummingbirds to come..

  4. I thoroughly enjoy your hummer pictures especially during the months that we don't have any.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.