Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Turkey Time

Here's my first November-themed stitching project.

After a year's hiatus, my Commuter Crows have returned.

I  am now seeing large groups returning home in the evening.
As long as they do not hang out at my place, I enjoying watching an hearing them as they fly into town for the day, and return home in the evening.

Even though it has been cold and gray, the birds continue to enjoy water features.

This Song Sparrow chose to bath atop one of my fountains.

And with the colder weather I'm getting Chestnut-backed Chickadees returning to the feeders.

And Robins - lots and lots of Robins.

Early morning and late in the evening.

Terrible photo - but this Hermit Thrush wins as my special Bird of the Week!
I often see them in September, but rarely see one later in the year.


  1. Look forward to seeing your progress on the turkey stitch, Beth! Yay on the Hermit Thrush!

  2. Now that is a cute pattern I have never seen! :)

  3. Oh, what a cute chart, Beth! I can't say I've seen that before so I really look forward to watching your progress :)

  4. I guess the birds need a bath and a good drink of water even in the colder temps. I did put my pumpkins in the woods today. I hope they provide a nice supper for some animal!


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