Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday's Framed Finish

Design - "Whoo Gives a Hoot?" (full moon)
Designer - Val's Stuff
Fabric - 28 count Haunted Picture This Plus Cashel
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 October 2016
Completed - 16 October 2016

Framed - September 2018

I thought this was a perfect Framed Finish to feature as October has morphed into November.  The Great Horned Owls are most talkative in the fall and winter when they court, incubate their eggs, and spend the long winter nights feeding their youngsters. 


  1. What a cool owl stitch, Beth! Great molding choice!

  2. Very cute framed finish--love the red frame, Beth!

  3. What a wonderful owl stitch. Last night we were driving home from a high school play. A huge owl flew along side of our car for several feet. It had a huge wing span. Wish I had a picture.

  4. Love this owl. I think I should stitch more owls.


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