Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Bigger Birds

I was able to stitch a bit on my titmouse at a basketball game last night.

At home and around town I've been keeping an eye on Big Birds.

Both Ravens dropped by.
Raven #1.

Rave #2.
They each needed their own tree to perch upon.

It was a wet and windy day - the Cooper's Hawk was less than thrilled.

A field in town hosted a flock of Cackling Geese.

These geese look like Canada Geese, but have much shorter necks and are a bit smaller.

They summer in the far north, and then come south to winter here.


  1. I can seldom get photos of bigger birds :-( they are always to far, or if close they just fly away. Have a good day Diane

  2. I love the shot of the Cooper's Hawk. Thanks for sharing, Beth!

  3. That little titmouse is coming to life!


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