Thursday, November 29, 2018

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Design - "Happy Gobble Gobble Day"
Designer - The Trilogy
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool line
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 November 2012
Completed - 27 December 2012

I've posted more archival finishes than normal in November.  My stitching mojo has temporarily left me. I hope to do better in December.

Sometimes, in the winter especially, you see the same birds over and over again. 

Male California Quail - no biggy...

Same with this young female California Quail.

But this, this is interesting!

Why? Because the quail are eating suet - something I've never observed before.

One of the owners of my local WBU store is a retired ornithologist and he's very excited about seeing photos of this behavior.


  1. Well that is a sweet, little finish you shared with us Beth.

  2. Fabulous pictures, they look quite similar to 'our' partridge. It cannot get to our suet but I wonder if I moved it...... Take care Diane

  3. Well that IS unusual! I have darn ole Grackles eating my Peanut Butter Pie... and the Downys. That's about it right now... I stitched that piece too... It's about to go into storage before Christmas comes out! Hugs!

  4. Those quail are beautiful birds!

  5. I've always loved this particular Thanksgiving stitch so I don't mind seeing it over and over :) I actually did stitch this years ago, but gave it away. I really need to stitch and finish one for myself!

    Oh, the quail are eating suet! Sure wish we would get quail in our yard some day!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.