Saturday, October 6, 2018

September's Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

What's going on in the backyard you ask?
Here's what we saw in September from the beginning to the end of the month.

Deer headed our direction.

"Mom I still want to nurse!  Mom!"

A night-time regular - an opossum. 


Group of California Quail.


Steller's Jay


White stripe = skunk

Back again the next night

A peaceful stroll


part of a bob-cat

Bob-cat again

Bob-cat extreme close-up

Lots of quail

Steller's Jay

Skunked again!

The masked bandit is out and about.

Best skunk photo yet!


  1. A cougar has been spotted in my DD neighborhood. Now she walks with pepper spray.

  2. I love your backyard pictures! We had a bobcat around our neighborhood one year. We haven't seen or heard him since which is fine with me!

  3. Fabulous backyard critter pictures, Beth! Hmmm, has the skunk left his calling card or just his image on the camera? Thanks for sharing!


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