Thursday, October 4, 2018

Liberty Looking Good

Wow!  Look at this!  I might finish Liberty 1776 this year.

Wednesday morning dawned cool and foggy.

The Turkey Vultures were less than pleased.

They huddled in the cold...

Spreading their wings to adsorb warmth, they took off in flight...

...and that's when I noticed that they were forming large kettles preparatory to migrating south.  

As I watched more and more and more Turkey Vultures flew overhead to join a kettle of 13-25 before heading off with purpose to the southwest.

When all was said and done, I'd counted over 60 Turkey Vultures and two Red-tailed Hawks. 

In this photo there are over 24 birds. The Turkey Vulture migration is one of the signs of fall in the Pacific NW.  They've timed this well so as to leave before our hard, cold rain on Friday. 


  1. Good progress on your Liberty stitch, Beth! Interesting facts about the Turkey Vultures that you shared!

  2. I truly love the colors in your Liberty piece, Beth. I think Turkey Vultures are the perfect bird for October and Halloween--they sure look scary in that mist!

  3. I love Liberty. Yes, I think you will finish this year!


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