Tuesday, September 25, 2018

You've Probably Forgotten...

You've probably forgotten that "Liberty 1776" was part of my stitching rotation as I've not worked on it in weeks.  I spend one day stitching away and got the date done and the borders of the remaining pennies, and the second vine started.

On Monday I devoted the bird photos to the Pileated Woodpecker. The other woodpeckers demanded equal time, so here they are. 

I've been so pleased to have a couple of Downy Woodpeckers including this male hanging about. You can get an idea of his size in comparison to the Towhee.

Here's a female.

And here are both birds sharing a mullein plant.

The female is a little sweetie.

Look at the male's tail feathers!

Here he's holding his own against a Song Sparrow.

Here's a female Hairy Woodpecker.

She does a nice job as a bird model.

Ad she doesn't have a 'bad' side.

The Acorn Woodpeckers are around...male...

...and female.

This is the female...

...and here are two males - so I have at least three birds.

Last but not least, an obligatory Flicker photo!


  1. Beth, your Liberty stitch is looking good. Always enjoy seeing your woodpeckers and of course, the flicka bringing up the rear.

  2. I love your Liberty stitch Beth. It is coming along nicely. Come see my rotation that I'm working on. I have a beautiful bird stitch going. Love the woodpeckers too. Great photos as always. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  3. Glad to see you progressing on that Liberty piece, Beth--I really love it!


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