Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

As of Wednesday, I had a Rufous Hummingbird lingering. 

The light for this series was perfect - the colors look so rich...

..with a dusting of pollen on the bill.

Same bird - different light.

I think it is a young male.  Can you see the tiny patch of iridescent yellow/copper feathers on the throat?   


...snagging a tiny insect for dinner.

And on to the Anna's.

A young male with a small patch of throat color.

On the look out.

An adult male.

Full color reveal!

Same bird...

Yep - same bird!


  1. Wow! I would never even have known that was a hummingbird in those first photos, Beth. Wonderful the way the light plays on his colors :)

  2. That little hummer has beautiful Fall colored feathers!!

  3. Sweet, sweet birds Beth. I love the first photo...he looks so lovable. And wow on the pink color...striking. RJ

  4. Great photos! It’s amazing how their colors seem to change in different lights.

  5. Always jealous of these birds :-) Enjoy the coming week, Diane

  6. Wow, you have such wonderful pictures of those hummingbirds! Your sisters dahlias are gorgeous. Your Robin framed piece is wonderful, love them, they are one of my favorite birds. Thanks for sharing.


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