Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saying Good-bye

The Pacific NW is one of the few areas of the US where hummingbirds reside year around.

I am lucky enough to see Anna's winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Here's a male...

...and a female.

Hummers have multiple eyelids. Their 3rd set are translucent flaps of skin known as nictitating membranes act like natural flight goggles.

Eyes wide open.

And now for the sad good-bye.  I am pretty realistic about most of the migrating birds and understand that I only get to share part of the year with them.  

But I hate to say good-bye to the Rufous Hummingbirds.

And the sad news is that they've left for the year.

I saw three birds on Monday, but have only seen Anna's since then.

The Anna's, like this guy...

...remind me that they are pretty cool too.

Okay, I get it!


  1. I so understand I do believe mine here in northern MN have left this past week as well been a couple days since I’ve seen one 😔 wishing them safe travels till we meet again next Spring 😍..but I surely miss them!! Now I concentrate on all the chickadees, nuthatches and of course so many woodpeckers just to mention a few....Happy Sunday! Thanks for sharing your hummmers...♥️

  2. You are so fortunate to have the hummers year round and we can enjoy them vicariously via your photos. I love that second photo of the male anna.

  3. Oh Beth! It is always sad to say goodbye, but they will be back. We have noticed fewer hummers this week at our feeders and I know they will all be gone by the time October rolls around. Enjoy your day!

  4. Not goodbye. Just a farethewell until you meet again.

  5. Mine have gone too. Safe travels little guys, see you next year. have a great Sunday. hugs

  6. I haven’t seen hummers for a few days here in central PA. All of my plants and flowers are still blooming due to the rain and warm nights we are still having. I expect that will change soon though.

  7. Always sad to say goodbye to our migrating friends... We are so very lucky to have cardinals here year round in western PA! I do love saying hello to the migrating birds each spring, though--there is just something so hopeful about that whole process :)


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