Thursday, September 13, 2018


I've finished up the border and started on the Sparrow's bird house.
I've had a kind offer from a Follower who has a small remnant of Ocean Kiss which might be large enough for me to stitch the remaining two patterns in this series.  I'm going to follow up with an email.

After over 83 days without rain, on Wednesday we had about 30 minutes of hard, hard rain.  Somewhere between 3/4"-1" I think.  Maybe more - it rained so hard that it washed out our driveway.  Nonetheless, I'm thrilled to have this badly needed moisture.  The Pacific NW and California has be so dry with some many uncontained wildfires.  This will help to dampen the fires and clear the air. Speaking or rain, I know that folks along the eastern seaboard are watching the weather and the path of Hurricane Florence closely. Stay safe!

The Turkey Vulture was grounded during the rain... 

...and when the sun returned spent time preening and drying off.
September and October are the months of bird good-byes. The Turkey Vultures will leave by mid-October.

The Black-headed Grosbeaks have left.

I've not seen a Western Tanager for a few days.

I'm hoping they are still around.

Here's a blurry photo with two birds - one on the bottom left, the other on the top right.

I still have lots of Goldfinches, but they too will be gone by mid-October.

I have seen a secretive Hermit Thrush several times.

Here it is!

As long as there are fruits and berries...

...I'll get to see Cedar Waxwings.


  1. Your bird stitch is looking good, Beth. What lovely bird photos you shared today.

  2. Beautiful stitching as always and lovely birds... I actually love vultures!

  3. That vulture is quite an interesting bird. I love the design you are stitching on right now.

  4. Sad to see the birds leave for the season. I'd gladly give you some of our rain. I haven't seen the sun in days. It's been rainy and humid much more than usual around here.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.